April 18, 2011

If You Were Here...

Dearest Korrine,

If you were here, today we would be celebrating your 17th birthday. SEVENTEENTH!!! Oh my goodness, that went by fast. I remember when I met you and you were what, ten I think? Either way, you're getting old but what am I saying? So am I!!!

If you were here and I were at home today on your birthday, I would be pulling out a nice, hot, funfetti birthday cake from the oven before school started. After it cooled, I would frost it with chocolate frosting and swirl cream cheese frosting into the middle afterwards. I would show up to your house nice and early with balloons and the cake and make this day one of the best ones you've had. Chances are though, that I would still be here in San Diego chugging along with school but hey, a girl can dream right??

If you were here and I was still in San Diego on your birthday, I would call you right when I woke up and sing you happy birthday. I would then log onto Facebook and post a video on your wall praising you and going on and on about how incredibly special you are and what a blessing it is for me to have you in my life.

The only problem is that you are not here today and you aren't coming back. Those words still hurt to write and I know this is really selfish to say, but I wish more than anything that you were here living life and celebrating your 17th birthday with the hundreds and hundreds of people who love you so dearly. Instead, I will walk through this day remembering you (not that that's new or anything) and carrying your love and passion for life in my heart and spread it to all the people I come in contact with no matter what happens. You, my marvelous friend, are why I am so positive. You taught me how to love and more importantly, you brought me closer to the Savior. You are the reason I can get out of negative moods more quickly than ever and bounce back to the joyful life I enjoy living. You are the reason I smile at everything, because we never know when our last smile is going to happen. Even if you aren't here, I'm celebrating your 17th.

I sincerely hope that you are having an awesome time in heaven with our Father. I cannot wait to be reunited with you when it's my turn. Happy 17th birthday, Korrine. I love you and miss you every single day that I live.

Love always,

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I'd love to hear from you! Let's try keeping it positive if possible. :)

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